Top Five Things to Do Before Selling Your House in Ormond Beach

Published By Greg Cummins on 24 Feb 2019

While Ormond Beach is known as a first-class resort town that offers amazing experiences and maintaining a small-town feel, it’s also a great place to live and work. This is one of the reasons why the city appeals to many prospective homebuyers. Working with a real estate agent in Ormond Beach is a great way to accelerate the sell of your house because they are familiar with the town and the market. Here are some interesting ways to boost the appeal of your house in Ormond Beach.

Optimize the Condition of Your Property 

It is not uncommon to find a lot of properties on the market that are in poor condition for a variety of reasons. This issue provides you with an opportunity to stand out from the crowd by making sure your property is in excellent shape. For instance, you can get all of the necessary repairs done in advance, which will inherently make your property more appealing to prospective homebuyers. Some of the improvements that you can make are very inexpensive such as painting, replacing cabinet knobs, and smoothing out scratches. Essentially, you’ll want to make any repairs that you have been putting off for a while. 

Only Stage Your Best Furniture 

Imagine walking into a five-star luxury hotel and sitting in the lobby. There’s a good chance that the décor has a minimalist appeal. In some instances, you might find that it’s tailored with mid-century modern pieces. Regardless of the style, you’ll likely find an intentional décor without any clutter. This is a good approach to take when staging your home so that it stands out. Instead of leaving all of the furniture, consider only keeping the best pieces that you own and placing everything else in storage. You can even get inspiration from looking on the website of your favorite hotel. Remember, staging is a critical aspect of selling your home quickly. 

De-personalize Your House 

When preparing to sell your house, you want to make sure every prospective homebuyer can visualize themselves living in the property. Removing all of your personal belongings is important in order to achieve this goal. It’s more difficult for people to imagine themselves in a space that feels like it still belongs to someone else. Even if you have remarkable style and taste, you still need to remove personal items like family photos, religious artifacts, and memorabilia. 

Assess the Quality of Your Photos 

Sometimes homeowners unwittingly miss out on viable selling opportunities because they have poor quality photos. There’s a chance that a buyer won’t even bother to stop by your property if the pictures are not compelling. It’s just like marketing a product. You probably wouldn't want to visit a store if their website has poor quality pictures. 

Create a YouTube Video 

A relatively new way of boosting the appeal of your home is by creating a YouTube video boasting of both the neighborhood and how much you have enjoyed living in the house. You can even discuss the wonderful experiences that your family has enjoyed over the years.

For more information on housing in Ormond Beach and other real estate news, check out 386area, your local guide to Daytona Beach!


Cover photo courtesy of Unsplash


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